What is the state of educator wellness in Utah?
Our educators are facing unprecedented levels of stress, burnout, and trauma as they continue to navigate post-pandemic challenges and the current political climate. However, we are fortunate to have some of the most dedicated and talented teachers in our schools who are doing an amazing job in educating our children. Teachers are the backbone of our communities and deserve unwavering support.
Sadly, Utah has a high number of teachers leaving within their first five years of teaching, and we are losing some of our best and brightest educators. The primary reasons for leaving include emotional exhaustion/burnout and job-specific stressors. This is why it's crucial that we take better care of our teachers, who play a vital role in our communities.
We can do more to ensure that our educators receive the support they need to stay in the classroom and thrive. Our children's education is in their capable hands, and we owe it to both our teachers and our children to take action and give them the tools and resources they need to succeed.
Mission Goals:
Support teacher wellness and elevate the profession in order to recruit and retain the best and brightest educators. Create meaningful partnerships between educators and policy makers.
JULY 10th, 2025
Save the datE!
2025 Show Up for Teachers Conference